3D GFX.iso
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294 lines
iritState("EchoSource", false);
# Init file for IRIT solid modeller.
iritstate( "FloatFrmt", "%8.6lg" );
demo = procedure():
pause = procedure():t:
printf("Press return to continue:", nil()):
t = getline(string_type);
# Some simple functions.
min = function(x, y):
if (x > y, return = y, return = x);
max = function(x, y):
if (x > y, return = x, return = y);
sqr = function(x):
return = x * x;
normalize = function(x):len:
return = 1.0:
if (thisobj("x") == vector_type || thisobj("x") == point_type,
len = sqrt(x * x):
return = point(coord(x, 0) / len,
coord(x, 1) / len,
coord(x, 2) / len)):
if (thisobj("return") == numeric_type,
printf("NORMALIZE: Can handle only vectors or points, found %8.6lDg\n",
midPoint = function(pt1, pt2):
return = (pt1 + pt2) * 0.5;
InterpPoint = function(pt1, pt2, t):
return = (pt1 * (1 - t) + pt2 * t);
edge2d = function( x1, y1, x2, y2 ):
return = ctlpt( E2, x1, y1 ) + ctlpt( E2, x2, y2 );
edge3d = function( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ):
return = ctlpt( E3, x1, y1, z1 ) + ctlpt( E3, x2, y2, z2 );
# Sweep of circular cross section.
SwpCircSrf = function( AxisCrv, ScaleCrv, ScaleRefine ):
return = SwpSclSrf( circle( vector( 0, 0, 0 ), 1 ),
ScaleRefine );
# Extractions of Control Polygon/Mesh/Points from a curve or a surface.
GetCtlPoints = function( Crv, Vecs ):i:p:
return = nil():
for ( i = 1, 1, sizeof( Crv ),
if ( Vecs,
p = coerce( coord( Crv, i - 1 ), vector_type ),
p = coerce( coord( Crv, i - 1 ), point_type ) ):
snoc( p, return )
GetCtlPolygon = function( Crv ):
return = poly( GetCtlPoints( Crv, false ), true );
GetCtlMeshPts = function( Srf, Vecs ):l:i:j:p:rsize:csize:
return = nil():
rsize = meshsize( Srf, ROW ):
csize = meshsize( Srf, ROW ):
for ( i = 1, 1, rsize,
for ( j = 1, 1, csize,
if ( Vecs,
p = coerce( coord( Srf, (i - 1) * csize + j - 1 ),
vector_type ),
p = coerce( coord( Srf, (i - 1) * csize + j - 1 ),
point_type ) ):
snoc( p, return )
GetCtlMesh = function( Srf ):l:i:j:p:pl:rsize:csize:first:
first = true:
rsize = meshsize( Srf, ROW ):
csize = meshsize( Srf, ROW ):
for ( i = 1, 1, rsize,
pl = nil():
for ( j = 1, 1, csize,
p = coerce( coord( Srf, (i - 1) * csize + j - 1 ), vector_type ):
snoc( p, pl )
if ( first == true,
return = poly( pl, true ): first = false,
return = return + poly( pl, true ) )
for ( j = 1, 1, csize,
pl = nil():
for ( i = 1, 1, rsize,
p = coerce( coord( Srf, (i - 1) * csize + j - 1 ), vector_type ):
snoc( p, pl )
return = return + poly( pl, true )
# Approximate a (assumed to be) closed planar curve as a polygon
# with n vertices.
CnvrtCrvToPolygon = function( Crv, n ):ptl:pt:t:t0:t1:dt:
ptl = nil():
t0 = nth( pdomain( Crv ), 1 ):
t1 = nth( pdomain( Crv ), 2 ):
if ( n < 2, n = 2 ):
dt = (t1 - t0) / (n - 1):
for ( t = t0, dt, t1 - dt / 2,
pt = ceval( Crv, t ):
snoc( pt, ptl )
return = poly( ptl, false );
# Primitives in freeform surface form.
planeSrf = function( x1, y1, x2, y2 ):
return = ruledSrf( edge2d( x1, y1, x2, y1 ),
edge2d( x1, y2, x2, y2 ) );
sphereSrf = function( Radius ):s45:
s45 = sin( 45 * pi / 180 ):
return = surfRev( cbspline( 3,
list( ctlpt( P3, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ),
ctlpt( P3, s45, -s45, 0.0, s45 ),
ctlpt( P3, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
ctlpt( P3, s45, -s45, 0.0, -s45 ),
ctlpt( P3, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ) ),
list( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 ) ) ) *
scale( vector( Radius, Radius, Radius ) );
torusSrf = function( MRadius, mRad ):
return = SwpCircSrf( circle( vector( 0, 0, 0 ), MRadius ), mRad, 0 );
coneSrf = function( Height, Radius ):
return = surfRev( ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, Radius, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, Height ) );
cone2Srf = function( Height, Radius1, Radius2 ):
return = surfRev( ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, Radius1, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, Radius2, 0.0, Height ) +
ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, Height ) );
cylinSrf = function( Height, Radius ):
return = surfRev( ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, Radius, 0.0, 0.0 ) +
ctlpt( E3, Radius, 0.0, Height ) +
ctlpt( E3, 0.0, 0.0, Height ) );
boxSrf = function( Width, Depth, Height ):
return = list( coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Width, Depth ), e3 ),
coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Width, Depth ), e3 ) *
trans( vector( 0, 0, Height ) ),
coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Width, Height ), e3 ) *
rotx( 90 ),
coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Width, Height ), e3 ) *
rotx( 90 ) * trans( vector( 0, Depth, 0 ) ),
coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Height, Depth ), e3 ) *
roty( -90 ),
coerce( planeSrf( 0, 0, Height, Depth ), e3 ) *
roty( -90 ) * trans( vector( Width, 0, 0 ) ) );
# Transformations.
tx = function( r ):
return = trans( vector( r, 0, 0 ) );
ty = function( r ):
return = trans( vector( 0, r, 0 ) );
tz = function( r ):
return = trans( vector( 0, 0, r ) );
sx = function( r ):
return = scale( vector( r, 1, 1 ) );
sy = function( r ):
return = scale( vector( 1, r, 1 ) );
sz = function( r ):
return = scale( vector( 1, 1, r ) );
sc = function( s ):
return = scale( vector( s, s, s ) );
rx = function( r ):
return = rotx( r );
ry = function( r ):
return = roty( r );
rz = function( r ):
return = rotz( r );
RotVec2Z = function( w ):u:v: # Rotation Trans. of w dir to Z axis.
if ( abs( coord( w, 0 ) ) > abs( coord( w, 1 ) ),
u = vector( 0, 1, 0 ),
u = vector( 1, 0, 0 ) ):
w = normalize( w ):
v = normalize( u ^ w ):
u = normalize( w ^ v ):
return =
homomat( list( list( coord( u, 0 ), coord( v, 0 ), coord( w, 0 ), 0 ),
list( coord( u, 1 ), coord( v, 1 ), coord( w, 1 ), 0 ),
list( coord( u, 2 ), coord( v, 2 ), coord( w, 2 ), 0 ),
list( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) ) );
RotZ2Vec = function( w ): # Rotation Trans. of Z axis to W dir.
return = RotVec2Z( w )^-1;
# Arrows.
arrow3d = function( Pt, Dir, Length, Width, HeadLength, HeadWidth ):
return = list( cylinSrf( Length - HeadLength, Width / 2 )
* RotZ2Vec( Dir )
* trans( Pt ),
coneSrf( HeadLength, HeadWidth )
* trans( vector( 0, 0, Length - HeadLength ) )
* RotZ2Vec( Dir )
* trans( Pt ) );
# Emulation of view, interact and other useful viewing functions using VIEWOBJ
# for the default display device.
beep = procedure():command_: # Make some noise.
command_ = "BEEP":
viewclear = procedure():command_: # Clear the screen.
command_ = "CLEAR":
viewdclear = procedure():command_: # Delayed clear screen.
command_ = "DCLEAR":
viewdisc = procedure():command_: # Disconnect from this display device
command_ = "DISCONNECT":
viewexit = procedure():command_: # Force Display device to exit.
command_ = "EXIT":
viewmsave = procedure(name):command_: # Save viewing matrix under name.
command_ = "MSAVE " + name:
viewremove = procedure(name):command_: # Remove an object from display.
command_ = "REMOVE " + name:
viewanim = procedure(TMin, TMax, Dt):command_: # Animate a sequence.
command_ = "ANIMATE " ^ TMin ^ " " ^ TMax ^ " " ^ Dt:
viewstate = procedure(state):command_: # Change state of display device.
command_ = "STATE " + state:
view = procedure(none,clear): # Emulation of old VIEW command.
if (clear != 0.0, viewdclear()):
interact = procedure(none): # Emulation of old INTERACT command.
# Client communication helper functions.
clntclear = procedure(h):command_: # Clear the screen.
command_ = "CLEAR":
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntdclear = procedure(h):command_: # Delayed clear screen.
command_ = "DCLEAR":
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntdisc = procedure(h):command_: # Disconnect from this display device
command_ = "DISCONNECT":
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntexit = procedure(h):command_: # Force Display device to exit.
command_ = "EXIT":
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntgetobj = function(h, Name):command_: # Get an object from a client.
command_ = "GETOBJ " + Name:
clntwrite(h, command_):
return = clntread(h, 100);
clntmsave = procedure(h, name):command_: # Save viewing matrix under name.
command_ = "MSAVE " + name:
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntremove = procedure(h, name):command_: # Remove an object from display.
command_ = "REMOVE " + name:
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntanim = procedure(h, TMin, TMax, Dt):command_: # Animate a sequence.
command_ = "ANIMATE " ^ TMin ^ " " ^ TMax ^ " " ^ Dt:
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntstate = procedure(h, state):command_: # Change state of display device.
command_ = "STATE " + state:
clntwrite(h, command_);
clntview = procedure(h, none, clear): # Emulation of old VIEW command.
if (clear != 0.0, clntclear(h)):
clntwrite(h, none);
cntrintr = procedure(none): # Emulation of old INTERACT command.
clntwrite(h, none):
iritState("EchoSource", true);